Exodus 3:16
“Go and assemble the elders of Israel, and say to them, ‘The LORD, the God of your ancestors, the God of Abraham, of Isaac and of Jacob, has appeared to me saying, “I have given heed to you and to what has been done to you in Egypt.” ‘ “
Well, this is a powerful way to start a 3:16 study. Genesis 3:16 talked about our relationship to God, our “position” and now in Exodus 3:16 Moses is learning his position. Chapter three begins with the burning bush scene and ends with the promise of plunder from the Egyptians when the Hebrews leave Egypt. God reveals his divine name, the “I AM” to Moses in verses 13-15 and then in verse 16 says “assemble the elders of Israel and tell them that “I AM” has sent you….”
Oh, so let me get this straight…..Moses was to be his messenger, his errand boy? No, his official, spoken representative, “the suit” ?
His Ambassador.
He shows his credentials…”tell them the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob has sent you….” Moses speaks - and the leaders will listen.
But chapter 4 begins Moses conversation with God about his lack of skills, his doubts, his general unworthiness, in other words FEAR! Proverbs 9:10 says “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight”.
I have felt this kind of fear. Not “afraid” or “scared”, but the weight of responsibility. The knowledge that the job is big and I am small. The wondering how it can turn out ok. The obvious possibility that this situation could take a number of turns that I don’t know how I will handle.
This kind of fear is the beginning of faith. Not uncertainty but HOPE. The beginning of trusting in the one who makes the paths and knows the future. He knows how it will “turn out”.
Furthermore, obedience is expected. My actions are necessary; my responsibility level just went up! The reward isn’t just the plunder of Egypt, that’s too simple. (If I do what God asks he rewards me.) The true reward is that peace that only faith can give. The knowledge that obedience is the real reward.